Kane Brown Passing The Time With Family & Netflix

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Kane Brown is passing the time during the coronavirus quarantine at his Nashville area home with his family.

“I’m just sitting in my house like everybody else hopefully. You know, just watching Netflix, playing X-Box, playing with my dogs, my baby… I got my wife and her mom here and, you know, we’re just hanging out, having family time. We’re playing board games, you know, just doing house stuff. I live in the woods so we like to be outdoorsy so I’ll ride 4-wheelers and things like that just staying isolated, but kind of, you know, getting some fresh air.”

Kane and John Legend have released the official music video for their new collaboration “Last Time I Say Sorry.” It was filmed in quarantine and features footage shot on their respective iPhones while isolating at home with their families.

The two made their national TV performance debut with the song on Sunday, April 5th on ACM Presents: Our Country, which aired on CBS in place of the originally scheduled ACM Awards.

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