Buck Twenty Places Second In Nashville Song Competition!

By: Cheryl Johnstone


All The Feels

The winners of the US-based Unsigned Only Music Competition were announced earlier this week, and Buck Twenty from Windsor-Essex won second place!

The duo of Mike Ure and Aidan Johnson-Bujold took second in the country category for the song “All I Can Do.”

Established in 2012, Unsigned Only has become known as the leading music competition honouring international artists who are not signed to a major record label.

It has become an important source for discovering new talent and acts as a benchmark for excellence in the arena of contemporary music.

Winners were selected by a judging panel comprised of high-profile industry experts and renowned recording artists, including country singers Darryl Worley and Craig Campbell.

Genevieve Fisher from nearby London received an honourable mention for her song “Someone Else”.

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