Brett Young Embracing Being A “Girl Dad”

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Brett Young’s second baby girl is due to any minute now, so by the time you’re reading this she could already be here.

She’ll join her big sister, Presley, who is 21 months old now.

Brett admits that when he first started thinking about having kids, he was hoping for a boy, to recreate some of the memories he shares with his own dad.

“I have a half-sister, but growing up in my house, my sister had already moved out, so it was just like me and my dad. And so, that’s why I was excited to have a boy and wanted that relationship. But I can’t imagine having a better relationship with my child than I do with my daughter. It’s such a blessing. It’s so sweet and it’s challenging because I’ve never been a woman. I don’t know what her challenges are going to be in life, but that’s what ‘Lady’ was all about. She’s got her mama for that. So I just get to be the big ‘ol dad that she runs and jumps in bed and watches cartoons with, and it’s been perfect.”

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