Carly Pearce (Photo by Allister Ann)

Carly Pearce On Dealing With Unflattering Photos

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Carly Pearce has always been an advocate for positive body image and wants to help young women feel good about what they see when they stand in front of a mirror.

Part of the reason is that Carly deals with insecurities about her own body, and it’s an ongoing process for her not to be overly critical or judgmental of herself.

For instance, one thing Carly has had to learn to face are unflattering pictures of herself online, whether it’s photos posted by a media outlet, or fans who are eager to share the pictures they took of her.

“Some of the photos I get tagged in are literally… think of like the worst angle of yourself, and it’s on the Internet for the world to see. Times it by 20. It is awful, and we don’t have control of that. And unfortunately, I see it and it’s burned in my brain. And it’s just been something that I’ve had to really work through of understanding I’m human and not making myself feel like I have to be perfect, cause none of us are.”

And that’s a message Carly wants to share with all women, that nobody is perfect and whether you’re a college student or a mom or a country singer performing in front of thousands of people every night, no one is perfect, and we all need to be kind to ourselves and go easy on ourselves when judging what we see when we look in the mirror.

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