People Are Freaking Out About Faith Hill’s Photo On The Cover Of “People”

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

The Internet lost its mind yesterday after a photo of Faith Hill and Tim McGraw showed up on “People” magazine’s Instagram.

It’s the cover of this week’s issue, and they’re promoting their new series, “1883”.

They’re dressed in period clothes, Faith’s hair is brown and curly, which is probably close to its natural state.

Put it all together and you get tons of nasty comments, most of them directed at Faith.

Was the photo re-touched? Sure.

Plus, cover shots typically include makeup and hair stylists, a professional photographer, and graphic designers tweaking the final product. Looks like they just collectively overdid it.

We don’t know if Faith had final approval. Stars like her often do. But they’re also super busy and don’t have time to go back and forth saying yes to every single version.

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