Cole Swindell (Photo by Robbie Klein)

Cole Swindell Song Inspired By His Stage Set-Up

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Cole Swindell’s new album came out in April and one of the songs on it is called “Down To The Bar.”

Cole said the song was actually inspired by his stage set-up, which looks like a bar.

“Just looking at this album…these songs…there was a song called ‘Down To The Bar’ that was fun to me. It just felt like the biggest you know live song out there. HARDY‘s singing on it with me and we were thinking about what the production could be like for the tour, and I was like ‘Man, we came up playing in bars, why not just make it look like our own bar.’ People really…they’re going in theaters and arenas of venues but it looks like they’re in a bar.”

The new album is titled, Stereotype.

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