Tenille Townes (Photo by Lauren Dunn)

Tenille Townes Teams Up With Bryan Adams On Latest Single

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Tenille Townes just released a new song called “The Thing That Wrecks You” with Canadian music icon with Bryan Adams.

She explained how she was able to get Adams on the track.

“I’m still not over how crazy this story is. But I literally ran into Bryan Adams on a staircase in Vancouver when I was filming the Hallmark movie. And I was just so inspired and fired up being around him. I’ve looked up to him as a Canadian artist for so long and I just had this crazy idea of how cool it might be to get him to sing a song with me someday. And so I get back to Nashville, I wrote him out this letter by hand. I burnt him a CD of the song and I FedExed it to the studio and sent it to him. And I was just like, this is crazy, but why not take a shot and see, and two days later, he sent an email back saying he’d absolutely love to sing on the song. So I’m still just freaking out that this happened. And it’s been just amazing getting to know him and have that friendship and mentorship through this whole experience. It’s been a dream and I’m so excited for people to hear this song.“

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