Tim McGraw (Photo by Robby Klein)
Tim McGraw On Why America Is So Divided, And How To Fix It
Tim McGraw just did a big interview with “Time” magazine and talked about why the U.S. is so divided right now.
He thinks the 24-hour news cycle has a lot to do with it, and also the echo chamber we call social media.
He said most only hear from a “small segment” instead of hearing “what the majority of people really think and feel,” and what we hear from that small segment isn’t always true.
So how do they fix the divide?
He thinks it would be a great start if everyone got back to realizing “we’re more alike than we are different.”
They also had him name the one issue he cares about most. As a father of three daughters, he said it’s women’s rights.
“I support a woman’s right to choose. That’s between a family, their doctor, and their God.”