[WATCH] Toronto Boy Who Loves Garbage Trucks Gets A Big Surprise!
A three-year-old in Toronto name Wolfgang is obsessed with garbage trucks only got to invite two people to his birthday this month because of social distancing. And he chose the two TRASH COLLECTORS who handle his route.
Drew and D.J., always spend a little extra time with Wolfgang each week. They even call themselves his “Wolfpack.”
A month before his birthday, Wolfgang’s grandmother had sent a letter to the City of Toronto explaining his obsession and friendship with Drew and DJ and that he had a birthday soon and would love it if they could stop by. Then, on the morning of his birthday, their supervisor showed up at the door. He said a garbage truck could stop by for the big day!
They went above and beyond for him. They brought four trucks to his house and blared the horns.
Then they hung out in the front yard and gave him his own uniform!
Photo: you tube