[WATCH] The First Ever Christmas Song For DOGS!
Just in time for the holiday season, dog food company Tails.com has released what they claim to be the “first-ever” Christmas song exclusively made for dogs.
The company dropped their track “Raise the Woof!” and they’re calling it WAGGAE – reggae designed to wag tails!
The song, which was created with help from a vet and dog behaviourist is based on sounds and noises that dogs enjoy, like squeaky toys, bells and basic commands.
To create the track, the company played more than 500 sounds for a focus group of 25 dogs and analyzed their responses.
The company also had help from composer Soviet Science and producer Scuta Salamanca.
Russians? Are they trying to brain wash our pooches for world domination? Infiltrating Canadian homes one Cockerspanial at a time?
The song was recorded at Abbey Road, the London studio made famous by The Beatles. The track is also being used to raise funds for the men’s mental health organization Dudes & Dogs.