[WATCH] Two Harrowing Dog 🐕 Rescues In Icy Waters: Detroit River And A Tennessee Pool
A Tennessee woman’s home security camera was recording when she climbed into the frigid water of her backyard pool to rescue her 50 pound dog after he fell through the ice!
The security footage from Jennie Tatum’s home shows her dog, Sid, run across the ice of the frozen backyard pool and fall through into the freezing cold water.
The vet said one more minute in the water could have been fatal for Sid.
We also want to mention the heroes at J & J Marine Ltd, a LaSalle marine company that played a vital role in an international effort to save a dog stuck on Mud Island in Detroit for 4 or 5 days.
Concerned citizens on both sides of the border kept watch and tried to come up with a rescue plan. A photographer helped with a long range lens, someone used their drone, there was even a US Coast Guard helicopter searching, but on Saturday the Mead family from J & J Marine got on an airboat and caught the scared dog.
The male dog —named ‘Miracle’ — is currently recovering at Woodhaven Animal Hospital in the states.
For more PICTURES of this RESCUE, go HERE
PHOTOS: Jude Mead, WOODHAVEN ANIMAL HOSPITAL, Animal Resource Funding Foundation