[WATCH] Mountain Lion 🙀 Stalks Hiker In Utah
HANDS UP if you were about to be attacked by a mountain lion, would you take your phone out and film the ordel??
There’s a Terrifying Video circulating the web that shows a Hiker trying to run from a mountain lion. Jared Smith was hiking along the Broads Fork Trail in Utah, heard a noise behind him, turned around and it was a mountain lion.
His defense ? Be Mr. Nice guy
It worked. The entire video is like 5 mins long. At one point, the distance between Jared and the wild cat was just about 10 feet.
Jared said he knows cougar attacks are very uncommon and believes she was probably protecting her cubs. He’ll take a few days off to process what had happened that day, but he wont let him stop him from hitting the trails again.