PHOTO: Canstock

[WATCH] How An Instacart Delivery Driver Trusted Her Gut 😇 And Saved A Life

By: Morgan Ryan



An Instacart worker from Georgia named Jessica Higgs is being credited with saving an older man a few weeks ago. She noticed that he seemed off, and something just felt unusual to her. She also smelled a gas odor, and reported it to the man’s daughter, who had placed his orders in the app.



She got some instant Karma the daughter She also upped her tip from $14 to $100 bucks and she said as a single mom that was so appreciated.

It gets better.. Ellen just had Jessica on the show this week, and this happened.





Good for her, she possibly put her job in jeopardy – She knew something wasn’t right so she ignored the warning about not getting personal with the customers. And because of that, that man is alive today. I think she deserves all the blessings that come her way from this act of kindness.





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