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[LISTEN] A Local High School Needs Dresses, Suits, And More To Help Teens 🕺GO TO PROM💃!

By: Morgan Ryan



After 2 years with no Prom, the Prom committee at KENNEDY COLLEGIATE HIGH SCHOOL want to make it a very special night for all students.
They are collecting gently used prom dresses, evening gowns, suits, jewelry, shoes and more to set up students who would otherwise not be able to go  (it’s still pricey after all these years!).

I caught up with Cory and Shyann , Grade 12 students and members of the committee about how the community can help.




Please call the school and ask for senior secretary LAURA ANDERSON to find out when the best time is to drop off your donations.

Please be mindful there may be safety protocols in place when you drop off.


[email protected]








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