[LISTEN] Morgan’s Friend Melissa Has To Explain What A CHRISTMAS 🥒 PICKLE Is

By: Morgan Ryan



While talking about Christmas Traditions this morning, someone mentions they LOVEEED their CHRISTMAS PICKLE. A what now? I had my bubbly friend MELISSA on the show, because she in fact has one of these Holiday Gerkins.













We ended up googling it:

It says that Germans hang a pickle-shaped glass ornament on the Christmas tree hidden away so it’s difficult to find. The first child to find it on Christmas morning gets a special treat or an extra present.

Anyone familiar with German Christmas customs can quickly see the flaws in this version of the “legend.” First of all, the German St. Nick doesn’t show up on Christmas Eve. He arrives on the eve of December 6th. Nor do German children open their presents on Christmas morning. That happens on Christmas Eve (Heiligabend) in Germany.




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