We Are Fully INVESTED In The Missing TITANIC ⛴️ Submarine Saga

By: Morgan Ryan



I’m sure youve heard about this by now –
A submarine exploring the Titanic wreck in the North Atlantic lost contact with the surface. A search and rescue mission is currently taking place.

Here’s a cheat sheet with the basics . .
The missing vessel isn’t actually a submarine. It’s a “submersible” named Titan.
It’s only done a few expeditions . . . the first just two years ago. and there were some mechanical issues and they had to abort – but they went back down later that week and had a successful mission. *Red flag*

There’s a video on YouTube from an old interview that shows just how basic the submersible’s controls are. It’s haunting and ridiculous let me tell you.




The. vessel. is .”driven”. by. a. Bluetooth. Xbox. video. game. controller…..

The situation was immediately urgent, because by Monday morning, the submersible had been underwater for more than 24 hours, and they only have between 70 and 96 hours of air onboard. And limited food and water.

Who was on board: a British billionaire businessman and explorer,  a former French Navy Commander and top Titanic researcher , and the CEO of OceanGate Expeditions who own the sub. Trips like these are super exclusive, and reportedly cost at least $250,000 a pop . . .

This was an accident waiting to happen.




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